Ship of the Damned

Regarder Le film Ship of the Damned en illimité

After an abandoned 500 year-old ship appears off the coast of a small town, Historian Elena and the local coastguard go to investigate. They discover it is not abandoned and the ship's cursed crew have horrific plans for the intruders.

  • Acteurs : Hannaj Bang Bendz,Jacob Anderton,Francesca Louise White,Ben Manning,Ciaron Davies,Martyn Luke,Sean Tizzard,Vicki Glover,Patricia Duarte
  • Créateur : Steven Lawson
  • Pays : United Kingdom
  • langue : en
  • Durée : 1h 25Mins
  • Année : 2024

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    Ajouter: 09-06-2024, 05:05
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